The team investigate the use of modern medical technology to scan Egyptian animal mummies from museums across the world. By creating 3-D images of their content, experts are discovering the truth about the strange role animals played in ancient Egyptian belief. This episode of Horizon meets the scientists working in Egypt who are exploring the ancient underground catacombs wher...
10.0全7集尤金·列维 在第一季中,艾美奖得主尤金·利维在面对了一些长期以来的恐惧之后,又一次走出了自己的舒适区。这一次,他踏上了任何受人尊敬的环球旅行者必做的旅程——欧洲之旅。这部广受好评的乡村旅行系列的第二季共七集,跟随
尤金·列维的宅老爹旅行第二季纪录片真人秀纪录8.0HDDana Mackin Robert Christopher Smith Natalie De Vincentiis 莎拉·弗伦奇 Meg Schimelpfenig Mark Chinnery Ernest Bean Merle Bean Sean Berube Billy Carter Lynn Clemons James Davis Mary Dufresne Megan Dufresne Jenny Fisher 在这部纪录片中,惨死路边的女子留下了一个儿子、一名自称是她丈夫的男子和一个像噩梦层层展开的谜团。
照片中的女孩悬疑纪录片犯罪纪录9.0HDZoe Williams Fred Sirieix Maitre d’ and Extraordinary Places to Eat host Fred Sirieix and GP Zoe Williams open a restaurant wi
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看不见的顶峰纪录片冒险运动纪录8.0HD克里斯蒂·马丁 Christy Martin broke boundaries and noses as she rose in the boxing world, but her public persona be
四次旅行纪录片纪录HDEdward Binns(Narrator) Erich von Stroheim A full-length documentary on von Stroheim's life and career, The Man You Loved To Hate blends re