Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released from imprisonment in an intergalactic dumpster on the moon. Later in the series, the rangers are joined by Tommy, the once evil Green Ranger designed for Rita's evil, but later was deprogrammed and spent two portions of the series briefly as the Green Ranger. Over time, some rangers had to pass their powers to others as well. Action scenes and scenes with Rita were edited from footage based on Japanese action sagas. Replacement villain Lord Zedd was designed in the U.S. Written by Ondre Lombard {[email protected]}
7.0HD何炅 谢娜 李维嘉 杜海涛 刘纯燕 李静 赵忠祥 李扬 石班瑜 韩乔生 黄健翔 彩虹 韦至 吴昕 经过上百万年的进化,熊猫一族经历了无数艰难险阻,走到今天。虽然濒临灭绝的熊猫接受了人类的细心呵护,但是一场史无前例的灾难即将席卷它们的栖息地,狂风暴雨会引发洪水,毁灭熊猫一族。担心子孙的命运,祖先们向
熊猫总动员动画家庭儿童6.0HD高山南 山崎和佳奈 神谷明 山口胜平 茶风林 盐泽兼人 高木涉 岩居由希子 大谷育江 绪方贤一 目暮警官、小兰的母亲妃英里、阿笠博士接连遭到不明身份之人的暗算。柯南追踪伤害阿笠博士的凶手,他根据几起案件现场留下的线索发现凶手按照扑克牌的顺序行凶,而且遇害者皆与毛利小五郎有关。目暮提供的线索初步揭
名侦探柯南:第十四个目标动画悬疑7.0已完结Michael Sinterniklaas Sam Riegel Gregory Abbey Darren Dunstan 第144集 Tempus Fugit 光阴似箭 第145集 Karate Schooled 训后空手道 第146集 Something Wicked 邪恶的勾当 第147集 The
忍者神龟第七季动作科幻动画冒险欧美动漫HD诺曼·瑞杜斯 马修·默瑟 凯瑞·华格伦 克莱尔·格兰特 特罗伊·贝克 斯塔克公司最新研制的天幕卫星“霍华德”即将升空,它超强的监视功能饱受争议。而托尼·斯塔克则饶有兴致地与战争机器詹姆士·罗德穿着各自的铠甲进行连番惊险刺激的较量。就在此时,号称“突击兵”的武装机器人入侵